Jar Tester
-ASTM D2035 compliant method
- Testing the efficiency of flocculation or precipitation agents
- Leaching test, made on solid wastes to be sent to the dump that uses diluted acetic acid or carbon dioxide-saturated water to detect the presence of toxic heavy metals
· Jar Testing Entails Adjusting the Amount of Treatment Chemicals and the Sequence in Added to Samples of Raw Water Held in Jars or Beakers
- The sample is then stirred so that the formation, development, and settlement of floc can be watched just as it would be in the full-scale treatment plant
· Why Perform Jar Test?
- Optimization is the key to running the plant more efficiently
- The results of several different chemical treatments can be compared
-Alternative treatment doses can be tried without altering the full-scale treatment plant
-Save money by avoiding overfeeding or overdosing, especially with coagulants; this may not hurt the quality of water, but it can cost a lot of money
· When to Perform Jar Test?
- Seasonally, monthly, weekly, daily
- The more frequently it is done, the better the plant will operate
- There is no set indication about how often jar testing should be conducted
· How to Perform Jar Test
- Each beaker is treated with different doses of chemical
- For each sample, usually raw water, a number of beakers (jars) are filled with the same amount of aqueous sample
- Other parameters may be altered besides dosage, including chemical types, mixing rate, aeration level/time, filtration type, etc.
- By comparing the final water quality in each beaker, the effect of the different treatment parameters can be determined and the best formula can be reproduced on a large scale
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